Youtube Channel Seller -Netanell Azran

Youtube Channel Seller -Netanell Azran

Facebook Profile:
Name: Netanell Azran
Known Location: India
Birthday: 2005

Name/Alias: Netanell Azran

Modus Operandi: Sells fraudulent YouTube channels and scams buyers by misrepresenting the channel’s value and later seizing control back.

Common Platforms Used:

Red Flags:

  1. Too Good to Be True Deals: Offers channels with high subscriber counts and engagement at surprisingly low prices.
  2. Urgency Pressure: Claims that the offer is “limited-time” or that there are multiple interested buyers to rush the decision.
  3. Non-Refundable Payments: Insists on payments through cryptocurrencies, wire transfers, or prepaid cards to avoid traceability.
  4. Inconsistent Metrics: The channels have high subscribers but low engagement rates or videos with disproportionately low views.
  5. No Proper Documentation: Provides little to no proof of legitimate channel ownership or income.

Scam Process:

  1. False Advertising: Netanell Azran showcases channels with inflated metrics using bots or fake engagement, promising high returns and loyal audiences.
  2. Deceptive Sale: Once a buyer agrees, Alex demands quick, non-refundable payment, making it difficult to track or dispute.
  3. Channel Repossession: After handing over credentials, Alex retains access, often reclaiming the channel or sabotaging its metrics.
  4. Disappearing Act: Post-sale, Alex vanishes, deactivates their profiles, and leaves the buyer with a compromised channel.

If you have any additional information about this scammer or have been a victim, please contact your local authorities and share your experience to help bring this scammer to justice. Remember, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is!


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